R Med + Spa is excited to offer Longevity & Aesthetic medicine in Durango, Colorado. We are excited to bring these new technologies and treatments to Durango and look forward in helping make a difference in your health and beauty.
Clear Suite - Clear Silk & Clear V
Zoom Scan - Nano/Microlaser Peels
Emerald Laser - Fat Reduction
FDA Cleared for Waist Circumference Reduction
Can treat a BMI between 20-40
Glacial RX - Dermabrasion Treatment
FDA Cleared to treat redness and inflammation
Used to treat Rosecea and Melasma
It uses Cryomodulation which is a cooling technology which treats sunspots and seborrheic keratoses (dark brown spots)
Rejuvapen NXT® - Improves skin texture, scarring, wrinkles
Enhances collagen production using microneedling
Contact Us
679 E 2nd Ave Unit 1
Durango, La Plata County 81301
Office: 970-501-0610